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Did Jesus survive the crucifixion? This question occupies many people’s minds and some say yes. A possible indication for this is perhaps an 18th-century copy of the Map of Jerusalem. The copy is very accurate, however the (empty) Tomb which was on the original has vanished on the copy. The empty Tomb refers to the Resurrection. By leaving it out the copier implies that the Tomb was unnecessary...

There is still another indication. Around 1357 a cloth was exhibited in Lirey with the depiction of a person on it. It was said to be the cloth in which the Body of Christ had been shrouded after he had been taken down from the cross. Since 1578 this cloth, the so-called "Turin Shroud", has been exhibited in Turin. The catholic Church however regards this cloth as a medieval forgery. In their book "The Jesus conspiracy" the writers Kersten and Gruber demonstrate however that the effigy on the cloth originated from a still living person, and cannot possibly be a forgery.