02 10

Here is the Blanchefort-geometry. The vertical line is the meridian of Paris. For weeks I continued looking for proof of the existence of this pattern. I found the perfect proof in the "Dalle de Coume Sourde" (see also Part 3 - Chapter 10).

  Dalle de Coume Sourde:

"The line in the middle where the small line intersects the M"

In a moment of inspiration I decided to look for a connection between the inscription in this Dalle and the pattern I had found. I realized that in the Story there are also many clues concerning mirror images, such as the painting in the church at Rennes-les-Bains which is a mirrored copy of a painting by Van Dijck. As the drawing of the Dalle was composed symmetrically I placed a mirror on the Blanchefort-geometry, from the castle of Serres northwards. I could not believe my eyes when I looked in the mirror and the drawing of the Dalle appeared !

Blanchefort-geometry on the map

Idem with a mirror


The lines from Peyrolles with mirror image

Idem schematic

At long last I had revealed the function of the Dalle. Now it also became clear what the letters "PS" meant: "Peyrolles-Serres", not "Priory of Sion".

As the upper line is smaller, this line must be the "Linea Parva". When I drew an "M" through its centre (in other words a line parallel to the meridian of Paris) this line intersected exactly the "Secret Place". This was the most perfect confirmation of the existence of this spot I could could have wished for!

Above the construction
of the "M" (meridian),
intersecting the middle
of the "Linea Parva"
(little line).

Alongside the "M"
on the map through
the "Secret Place".

In the Dalle the "M" runs not only through "Point X" but also exactly over the grave of the mother of Boudet (a friend and colleague of Saunière’s) in Rennes-les-Bains. Apart from the meridians there was also a line through the centre of "PS" as well as through "Point X". Possibly this was the so-called "Rose Line" mentioned by Grandmaster Plantard of the Priory of Sion.

The grave in Rennes-les-Bains

Church of RLB

The centre of PS

There were still two words which I had not yet decoded: "SAE"and "SIS". Or perhaps they were meant to be "S…AE"and "S…IS". My elementary knowledge of Latin aided by the dictionary gave the answers: "S…AE" comes from the word "specula" (watchtower) and "S…IS" from "speculum"(metal mirror). So "speculae speculis" means "the watchtowers with their mirror images".

Now, the inscription on the tomb of Marie de Negri became clear as well. The vertical line which represents the meridian, runs between P(eyrolles) and S(erres). The line running through the Templars’ crosses is the 60º-line. The line running through the "X" of the letters "APX" is the 50º-line. This line runs, as the 60º-line does, through the centre of the vertical line. When you mirror the 50º-line and draw in this mirror image on the map, the 60º-line runs from "Point X" to Arques and the 50º-line to Blanchefort.



Both lines

Both lines on the map

I decided to measure the lines of the Blanchefort-geometry in relation to the meridian and the parallel. They are all beautiful angles but one of them particularly attracted my attention. This was the line from Peyrolles through "Point X". This line intersects the parallel at an angle of 85º. It was an angle which I had seen before...

The angles of the Blanchefort-geometry. On the parallel (horizontal line) from left to right: 80°, 85°, 40°, 70° en 40°. On the meridian (vertical line): 80° and 50°. All the calculations are in the Appendix.