02 10

Part 4: My Own Research.

 The mirror is the symbol of la veritá
For it is she who speaks the truth

Cesare Ripa (1593) 

The map I used is number 2347 OT Quillan of the Institut Géografique National.
("Kasteel" means "castle" and "Kerk" means "church".)

The triangle Peyrolles-Blanchefort-Arques attracted my attention because of the accuracy with which it was constructed. The angles are exactly 30º –60º -90º, in spite of the fact that the castles of Blanchefort and Arques are almost 5 kilometres apart. But the accuracy goes further, for within this triangle there is an equilateral triangle. In this triangle, in a beautiful spot the castle of Serres is situated.

What I did next was to look for still more striking constructions on the map using Blanchefort as a starting point. This led to my first major discovery, for indeed I found yet another triangle. The castle of Blanchfort formed a perfect 45º – 45º- 90º triangle with the castle of Serres and the church of Cassaignes.

When I continued the line Cassaignes-Blanchefort it appeared to pass through the mountain Cardou, very near to the spot which Andrews and Schellenberger had ascertained to be the location of the "treasure". This was food for thought...

After a long search I found a second line running very near: the bisector of the angle BPS (Blanchefort-Peyrolles-Serres). The intersection of the two lines I had found I called "Point X" (thanks to Andrews and Schellenberger). Could this be the real location?

I then realised that there was still another line: the 60º-line of the tomb of Marie de Negri. After I had drawn this line in on the map, I was amazed to find it passed right through "Point X".

Three lines passing through this one point!! This could not be accidental. Mathematical calculations confirmed that it was indeed so (Appendix 3). I called the pattern which I had discovered the "Blanchefort-geometry".

Church Peyrolles

Donjon Arques

Castle Serres

Donjon Blanchefort

Church Cassaignes