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In the summer of 1969, a British journalist of the BBC bought, while on hollidays in the South of France, a small book "Le Trésor Maudit"-, written by a certain Gérard de Sède. On first sight, this book described the story of a priest in a little town in France, who discovered a treasure and became a very wealthy man. But soon the journalist, Henri Lincoln, found a secret code, hidden in the book. When he delved deeper into this discovery, he encountered some very strange things. In the seventies he made three short documentaries for the BBC about these findings, which caused a lot of reaction from viewers. Many viewers offered him possible solutions to the Mystery and of course he continued his own investigations, while everything became more and more complex. In 1982 he published his discoveries in the worldwide bestseller "The Holy Blood, the Holy Grail".

In 1992 Lincoln made a long documentary in co-operation with the Danish broadcast. Until today new books are being published that, in some way or another, touch upon the Mystery. Every publication has its own interpretation of the "facts". Some writers are coming to far-reaching conclusions, but it is doubtful if they found the truth. But certainly, each new book is another step towards the solution of the Secret. This site starts with the Story of the priest and some of the discoveries that have been made in the last decennia. To clarify the Story, the text is complemented with many photographs and illustrations. After that, my own story and discoveries will bring you to a Secret, wich is probably the best kept Secret of the last two millennia. You will read and find out for yourself how this Secret has been kept from the world in an unbelievable way by a group of initiated people. Not just in the Middle Ages, but even today...